Step 1
Save the text or images below and share them on any of your social media channels or online forums, including but not limited to platforms like Xiaohongshu, Weibo, TikTok, Twitter, Facebook, WeChat, Reddit, Instagram, and more. Accumulate 5 likes or shares to receive rewards.

Unlock Chinese resources hassle-free with Sixfast, the ultimate acceleration tool for overseas users. Unlock limits on access to iQiyi, Bilibili, NetEase Cloud Music, and more. It supports dedicated acceleration for 10,000+ mobile and PC games. Play games, watch live streams, and chat at one time. Try it now!

Step 2
Take a screenshot or copy the link of your shared content on social media channels, and click the 'Send to Customer Support button below to claim your 2-day SVIP trial.
(Each account can only claim the reward once a week.)
  • If many of your friends need Sixfast or other resources, you can join our 'Referral Rebates' program to earn large referral commissions.
  • Sixfast holds the right of final interpretation for the event.
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