User Instructions

1. Why do I need to restart the game after successful acceleration?

Sixfast has established an exclusive channel for users from their local device to the game server through proprietary technology and self-built nodes. Therefore, after a successful acceleration, it is necessary for you to restart the game to ensure that you are connected to the game server through the Sixfast fast channel, achieving the best acceleration effect.

2. What is the difference between application mode/game mode?

(1) Application mode: One-click acceleration for domestic videos, content, music clients, and web pages, ensuring smooth usage of popular platforms and applications such as QQ Music, Tencent Video, iQiyi, Bilibili, and NetEase Cloud. It directly removes geographical restrictions, providing ultra-fast and lag-free internet connectivity.

(2) Game mode: Specialized acceleration for domestic games, with dedicated optimizations for different games to significantly reduce lag and ensure game stability. Supports a wide range of popular Chinese games such as Honor of Kings, Onmyoji, and Moonlight Blade.

3. Can I choose the line myself?

(1) Application mode: Supports manual line selection/switching by the user. Sixfast will also automatically recommend good quality lines according to your region.

(2) Gaming mode: Supports manual line selection/switching by the user. Sixfast uses acceleration for gaming lines. Please select the game you wish to accelerate from the game library. Sixfast will also automatically recommend good quality lines according to your region.

4. What do I do if the game I want to accelerate is not in the game library?

(1) In the Sixfast acceleration game library, you can click Add Game to report the game you would like to add. The staff will arrange for an assessment of potential inclusion in the library after seeing the request.

(2) You can report the game you would like to add to customer support through the client.

5. How do I view my own device number?

Go to User Center - Booster Settings - Copy Device Number in the Sixfast accelerator to copy your device number!

Acceleration issues

1. Is the accelerator automatically disconnecting?

If automatic disconnection occurs during the acceleration process for Android users, the anti-disconnection settings may not be configured.

Tutorial for anti-disconnection settings of various Android models:

Huawei anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Xiaomi anti-disconnection tutorial>>
VIVO anti-disconnection tutorial>>
OPPO anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Samsung anti-disconnection tutorial>>
MEIZU anti-disconnection tutorial>>
OnePlus anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Other anti-disconnection tutorials>>

2. What if there is still lag after acceleration?

(1) First, please confirm your current local network conditions. Are you currently using a Wi-Fi network? How strong is the network signal? In general, using a Wi-Fi network for acceleration tends to provide better results compared to using mobile data.

(2) Correct sequence: First activate the accelerator and successfully connect to the domestic network, then launch the game/application you want to accelerate. This sequence ensures optimal acceleration results. If not performed in this order, Sixfast will prompt you to restart the game/application.

(3) If the steps above do not solve your issue, you can contact customer support through the client. We will respond to your issue promptly!

3. What do I do if some domestic applications (such as iQiyi and KuGou) are still region locked?

Turn off location permissions for the domestic applications, clear the app cache, restart your phone, connect to Sixfast, then re-open the domestic applications.

Frequently asked questions for PC

1. How do I download and use the Sixfast PC client?

Please visit the official Sixfast website at www.sixfast.com to download and install the PC client. User accounts for Sixfast on the mobile app and PC client can be used interchangeably. If you already have an account on the mobile app, you can log in directly on the PC client. Please note that after enabling acceleration, you will need to restart the game/application to ensure the acceleration takes effect.

2. Can I select the nodes myself when using the PC client?

For Video Speedup and Gaming Acceleration in the PC client, you can select or switch nodes on your own. They system will also automatically recommend good quality lines according to your region.

3. Which systems does the PC client support?

The current Sixfast PC client supports Win 7 and later systems. It does not support XP system.

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