
1. Why do I have to restart the game after the acceleration is successful?

Sixfast uses proprietary technology and self-built nodes to establish an exclusive channel from the local to the game server for users. Therefore, after the acceleration is successful, you need to restart the game to ensure that you can connect to the game server through the Sixfast fast channel to achieve the best acceleration effect.

2. What is the difference between application mode and game mode?

(1) Application mode: one-click acceleration of domestic videos, content, music clients and web pages, smooth use of major popular platform applications. Realize application acceleration, extremely fast networking without lag.

(2) Game mode: Dedicated line acceleration for domestic games, special optimization for different games, effectively reducing latency to ensure game stability. Supports a large number of popular domestic games such as Honor of Kings, Onmyoji, and Moonlight Sword.

3. Can I choose the line myself?

(1) Application mode: one-click acceleration of domestic videos, content, music clients and web pages, smooth use of major popular platform applications. Realize application acceleration, extremely fast networking without lag.

(2) Gaming mode: Supports manual line selection/switching by the user. Sixfast uses acceleration for gaming lines. Please select the game you wish to accelerate from the game library. Sixfast will also automatically recommend good quality lines according to your region.

4. What should I do if the game I want to accelerate is not in the game library?

(1) Click "Add Game" in the game library of Sixfast Accelerator to report the game you want to add. The staff will arrange for evaluation and listing after seeing it.

(2) Feedback the game you want to add to the customer service in the client.

5. How to view your device code?

In Sixfast Accelerator, enter the Personal Center-Accelerator Settings-Copy Device Code to copy your device code!

Acceleration experience issues

1. Accelerator automatically disconnects?

If Android users experience automatic disconnection during acceleration, it may be because they have not set the anti-disconnection setting.

Tutorials on setting up anti-disconnection for various Android models:

Huawei anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Xiaomi anti-disconnection tutorial>>
VIVO anti-disconnection tutorial>>
OPPO anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Samsung anti-disconnection tutorial>>
MEIZU anti-disconnection tutorial>>
OnePlus anti-disconnection tutorial>>
Other anti-disconnection tutorials>>

2. Is there no effect after acceleration due to high latency?

(1) First confirm your current local network status: Are you currently using a WIFI network? How is the network signal strength? Generally speaking, using a WIFI network will have a better acceleration effect than mobile data traffic.

(2) Correct order: First turn on the accelerator and successfully return to China, then start the game/app you want to accelerate, etc., to ensure the acceleration effect. If this is not the order, Sixfast will remind you to restart the game/app.

(3) If the above operations do not solve the problem, you can contact customer service in the client. We will follow up on your needs as soon as possible!

3. What should I do if some domestic applications are still restricted?

Disable domestic app location permissions, clear app cache, restart the phone, connect to Sixfast first, then open domestic apps

Frequently asked questions for PC

1. How to download and use Sixfast PC?

Please go to Sixfast official website www.sixfast.com to download and install the PC client. Sixfast APP and PC user accounts can be used together. If you already have an APP account, you can log in directly on the PC. Note that after acceleration is turned on, you need to restart the game/app client to ensure the acceleration effect.

2. Can the PC client select nodes independently?

You can select or switch nodes for audio and video acceleration and game acceleration in the PC client, and the system will automatically recommend high-quality routes for you based on your region.

3. What systems does the PC client support?

Currently, the Sixfast PC client supports win7 and above systems, but does not support XP yet.

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